It's the year 2000: Children arrange to meet outside on the playground or play hide-and-seek in the neighborhood. This is how our kids’ life looked like every day until somewhere around this time....
Category: Exercise Machines
The 3 Best Compact Pieces of Exercise Equipment for Small Spaces
Are you looking for some exercise equipment for your home gym, but you don't want or can't sacrifice too much space for it? Then this article is the right place for you! After having lived in a very...
Exercise machines are meant to help us achieve our fitness goals, such as to lose weight, build muscle or improve our endurance. However, if we take a longer-term view, we realize that when choosing...
The glutes are among those muscles that people focus on the most in their workout routine, especially women are often aiming to tone their butt. Super-toned glute muscles are not only considered...
The ab muscles do not only play a central role in terms of their location in our body but they are also crucially important for our physical fitness. And let's be honest: Who of us would not like to...
The Best Exercise Equipment for Your Home Gym: The Ultimate Guide
Technology is changing our world and these changes also affect the way we are exercising. There are new fitness trends every week and especially couch potatoes can benefit from modern exercise...